Work With Me


a group of five women talking around a conference table

Looking for sex education that's all about the facts? I've got you covered! My workshops are designed to teach you everything you need to know about sex and sexuality, including sexual techniques, exploring your values and beliefs, and managing your sexual health. From anatomy and safe sex to consent and abstinence, we’ll cover it all or develop workshop tailored to your specific learning needs. Individual and group sessions are available.

Speaking Engagements

microphone in front of a blurred out conference room

Need a speaker for your next event or conference? As an expert in women's health, sexuality education, and counseling, I can deliver an engaging and informative talk for your audience, whether it be in-person or virtually. I can speak on a variety of women’s health related topics, including but not limited to pregnancy and postpartum, menopause, STD/STI awareness, sexual desire and female sexual dysfunction.

Brand Ambassador

ring light tripod with iphone on stand

As a thought leader in women’s health, I am committed to promoting and advocating for stigma free sexual health. Whether it's through social media, virtual community events, or other marketing channels, I am available for brand ambassador services to help spread the word about your sexual health organization or brand.


black couple holding hands close up

If you're having a tough time with personal conflicts or emotional issues related to sex or intimacy and need a judge-free space to process, I offer professional guidance either one-on-one or as a couple.

*Counseling isn't a replacement for medical advice or psychotherapy. As a certified obstetrician/gynecologist, I can give you some insight into medical conditions related to my specialty, but I won't be providing obstetric or gynecologic care, psychotherapy, or diagnoses for other mental health disorders.